Monday, February 18, 2008

Grand Marnier Earl Gray Tea

It is very chilly these days.
I wake up freezing every morning.

On Saturday, my boyfriend had to attend a training class at his work, so I had a breakfast with him at Dean & Deluca and stayed there for about 6 hours organizing my stuff, thinking recipes, and so on.
But after a while, I realized that the ladies next to me were very chatty and I couldn't concentrate on anything...
I think I'd better change the place immediately if this kind of thing happened again.
I mean, this weekend, my boyfriend has the class again, so I'm planning to spend my time at a cafe.
I love to relax with a cup of coffee :)

Anyway, on Sunday, I created 5 new recipes again.
But badly, I misunderstood the assignment and created sushi...
My bad habit... I sometimes skim through the text :(
I think I need to try to read thoroughly.

Never mind!

One of the recipes I created is Grand Marnier Earl Gray Tea.
This is very easy.
You just add a tablespoon of Grand Marnier in a cup of Earl Gray Tea.
The bitter orange taste of Grand Marnier gives the tea a rich flavor!!!
Please try.
And then, if you have, have some chocolate with it!
It goes great with chocolate!
I had a happy tea time :)

Shall I write sad news?
I guess not in detail.
Things never work out as I hope... my work wasn't valued... that's all!

Okay, the bright news!
I once moaned about it but finally I won the grand prize at Lettuceclub!
I simmered cod fish in curry flavored yogurt.
On the day I created this recipe, I quarreled with my boyfriend and I didn't feel good, so I wonder why this won the prize.
Anyway, the recipe is on the Lettuceclub's magazine which was just released on 2/9!
I checked it out yesterday and was on P.107 :)

Wow, I wrote enough today!
Bye for now.

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