Monday, August 4, 2008

Swarovski Crystal Decoration

Hi! It is extremely hot and humid today... We have high 95F (34C)!!!
I really hate to take a packed train on this kind of day :(
Of course I tried not to stand next to sweltering passengers!

You know what!? I just changed my cell phone to SAMSUNG mobile 920SC!
I was thinking of getting iPhone, but I changed my mind. The big concern was the "touchscreen" and I thought I will not get used to it!
SAMSUNG mobile 920SC specializes in camera function, which I thought was useful, but it actually lacks in quality and wasn't that good... it was only a phone!
Anyway, I am satisfied with my Swarovski crystal decoration ;)
It took me 2 hours!

Changing my story, today is not my day!

This morning, I couldn't nicely put my makeup on because of the sweat...

Then, when I connected my cell phone to the PC using the provided USB cable, our main PC (at home) froze... and Windows didn't start up after that. I called the support team but they just kept on transferring my call X(

I hope this is the last bad thing, but the recipe I made yesterday was way off task! I should read more carefully the next time...

Hope I have a happy day tomorrow!

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