Friday, December 10, 2010

Full-Time Job Conflict

I work for the same company, 9-17 full time, for over 6 consecutive years. Even if I worked for such a long time, my opinion never go through. I sometimes get really frustrated if I'm asked to attend the meeting and give my opinion for that reason... Moreover, my supervisor is not at all enthusiastic. He always goes for the safe option, which is kind of disappointing. And now, he announced us that he doesn't have a hope in his current project... Of course, I have a lot to say for it because I don't want to use my time for nonproductive work...

However, yesterday, my friend at hula class told me I have to give up and think of just getting a salary. She used to say her opinion at work but gave up because it's just a waste of time. Also, she said going home at 17 is pretty advantage. Yeah, I totally agree with her.

Unfortunately, many of the big Japanese companies have seniority-based system, which salary and job position rise in accordance with age and length of service, so it's not a good idea to change a job. It just worsen my situation. Also, most employees at such companies overwork, which is not my style.

Why I remain at the same company is because I experienced hard time seeking a full-time job in NY after 911. I think I did tens of interns and tens of part-time job back then. That experience made me think changing a job just because you don't like is not a good reason...

Anyway, now my issue here is not changing a job...

But the girl told me that is not a good idea since the stable income is important. Right...

I will close my eyes for a while and turn down my enthusiasm. I know it's my temporary stuff...

What a birthday present!!!

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