Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Breeze of Tokyo

8/11 was 9th anniversary since my darling and I dated for the first time. I know it is not that big day, but it is a great day for me to think how much I love him since then. hehe

I think I love him more than at that time XD

Breeze of Tokyo is a contemporary French cuisine Restaurant in Marunouchi. My darling said we can order a prix-fixe menu for our anniversary. I think it was after a long while. Yay!!!

Their food was amazing yet healthy :)

Vegetable Amuse

Brittany lobster and scallop served with organic vegetables, Greek style

I cannot eat "French foie gras" so they made me a conger eel tempura :)

Kitaakari potatoes vichyssoise with tartar abalone and sea urchin flavored ciboulette
北あかりのビシソワーズ シブレットの香るアワビと雲丹のタルタル添え

Grilled sweetfish with fragrant water-pepper miso and cucumber chiffonnade
鮎のグリエ 香ばしい蓼味噌 加賀太きゅうりのシフォナート

Tomato granite

Char-grilled Japanese beef served with seasonal vegetables, bourguignon style with sansho and sake kasu flavored red wine sauce
和牛の炭火焼き 季節のお野菜のブルギニョン風と山葵と酒粕の豊潤な赤ワインソース

Yamanashi white peach and fresh herb jelly “Mariage” toppoed with coconut sherbet
山梨県産白桃とフレッシュハーブジュレのマリアージュ ココナッツのソルべ

How often do you go to a fine restaurant?!

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