Saturday, March 16, 2013

How to Make Authentic Chawanmushi (3 STEPS Savory Egg Custard) - Video Recipe

This is an authentic easy 3 steps recipe!!!

Chawanmushi, literally "steamed in a tea cup", is a traditional Japanese savory egg custard appetizer with some little pieces of fillings.

Classic Chawanmushi recipe

You can use any mug like mine.
You don't need a special steamer but a frying pan.

Chawanmushi can be eaten either hot or cool.

It's a dish with full of UMAMI 😋


How to Make Chawanmushi

Difficulty: Very Easy
Time: 25min
Number of servings: 2

60g (2.1oz.) chicken breast (or fillet)
50g (1.8oz.) Shimeji mushrooms
4 slices Kamaboko fish cake
4 Ginkgo nuts
Mitsuba (Japanese wild parsley)
2 eggs
* 300ml Dashi stock
* 1 tsp. soy sauce
* 1 tsp. Mirin (sweet sake)
* 1/4 tsp. salt

1. Cut the Ingredients
Slice the chicken into bite-sized pieces. Remove tough base of Shimeji mushroom and break into pieces. Cut Mitsuba into bite size length.
2. Make an Egg Mixture
Put the eggs in a large bowl. Use chopsticks to carefully break up the eggs. Do not beat and create air bubbles but gently stir. Add A, then strain the mixture through a tea strainer into another bowl to make it smooth.
3. Steam in the Pan
Place Ginkgo nuts, chicken, Shimeji mushrooms, and Kamaboko (any ingredients you like) into each mug. Pour in the egg mixture, arrange some of the ingredients exposed on top. Cover with plastic wrap or aluminum foil. Place some paper towels or a dish towel in a frying pan (so that you can gently steam the Chawanmushi), then place the mugs. Fill about 1/2 with water, cover, then bring to a boil. When it comes to the boil, turn the heat down to low and cook for about 7-8 minutes. If a toothpick comes out clean, carefully remove from the pan, and garnish them with Mitsuba to finish.

How to Make Dashi Stock:
- Using a Dashi Packet
In a large pot, put some water and Dashi packet, and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat to medium low and simmer for 5 minutes. Discard the packet.
- Using Dashi Powder
Dilute instant Dashi powder in water.


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