Friday, June 20, 2014

How to Make NO EGG Japanese-Style Pão de Queijo (Mochi Cheese Balls Recipe) - Video Recipe

Pão de Queijo is Brazilian cheese bread.

We can't find the flour (polvilho azedo or doe) for Pão de Queijo in Japan, so it is very popular to use Shiratamako (lumpy glutinous rice flour) or Mochiko (glutinous rice flour) to make it :)

Chewy texture of Mochi and cheese is just like Pão de Queijo. I hope you can try it out! YUMMY!!!

NO EGG Japanese-Style Pão de Queijo

Difficulty: Very Easy
Time: 30min
Number of servings: 12

100g (3.5oz.) Shiratamako (lumpy glutinous rice flour) *Mochiko (glutinous rice flour) is OK
50g (1.8oz.) grated parmesan cheese
1/2 tbsp. cooking oil
100ml~ milk

1. Preheat the oven to 180C (350F).
2. Place Shiratamako (lumpy glutinous rice flour) in a bowl. Add milk and mix very well until smooth. *DO NOT add other ingredients before you mix the Shiratamako and milk together. Otherwise, they won't mix well and smooth).
3. Add cooking oil and parmesan cheese, then mix well until combined. *you can add a bit more milk if the dough doesn't come together. *adding nuts, sesame seeds, spices, or herbs is good, too
4. Divide the dough into 12 equal pieces using a bench scraper or a knife, then roll them into balls.
5. Bake at 180C (350F) for about 15 minutes.

Just out from the oven is good. They stay chewy and soft till the next day. Of course, you can microwave or cook in the toaster oven for a few seconds and they will become soft again.


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