Friday, August 14, 2015

How to Make Dongguri Bento Lunch Box for Very Fun Park's Exhibition 10th Anniversary 超可愛Dongguri 便當 粉樂町藝術展十周年 - Video Recipe

Korean Artist "Kwon Ki-Soo (權奇秀)" invented the character Dongguri as Korea was experiencing economic depression. At that time, most people are unhappy so he invented the character that’s simple, and always happy with big smile. Kwon Ki-Soo is now a very famous artist among Christie’s and Sotheby collector.

I was asked to make Dongguri bento box for the Very Fun Park’s 10th Anniversary. Since it is a meaningful exhibition, I decide to participate as an artist with my creative bento.

In this video, I will show you how to make Nori Art character bento box. You can apply this technique to make any other characters you like. Great thing about this technique is you can cut Nori the night before! So you don't have to get up early to make this Bento :)

Dongguri Bento 超可愛Dongguri 便當

Difficulty: Patience
Time: 1hr
Number of servings: 1

Necessary Equipment:
your favorite image of Dongguri Dongguri圖片
parchment paper 烘培紙
card board or cutting board 砧板
design knife 小刀
brow scissors (small scissors) 小剪刀
tweezers 小夾子

((Dongguri Rice))
cooked rice 白飯
rice seasoning (if you like) 白飯調味料
Nori seaweed sheet 海苔
sliced cheese 起士片
((Japanese Potato Salad)) 日式馬鈴薯沙拉
((NO EGG Marmalade Meatballs)) 果醬丸子
lettuce 生菜
grape tomato 小番茄

1. Print out your favorite image of Dongguri. 印出可愛的Dongguri圖片
2. Wrap Nori seaweed sheet with parchment paper, then wrap with the image of the character. 用海苔片包住烘培紙上的圖案
3. On a card board or a cutting board, cut out the image with a design knife. You can fix the shape later with brow scissors, so you don't have to be perfect about the edges. Make sure you don't lose any of the parts you cut out. Place them on a sliced cheese and wrap securely with plastic wrap so that it won't dry out. You can keep it in the fridge till the next morning when you pack your bento box :) 用刀子和剪刀修剪出形狀
4. Mix your favorite rice seasoning into the rice. Leave to cool so that the cheese won't melt. 將白飯調味
5. Put lettuce and rice in the Bento box. Then place the Dongguri cheese on top of the rice. 放入生菜,再把Dongguri和起士放在飯上
6. Put side dishes in the bento box to finish. 把其他食材放入便當


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