Friday, November 19, 2010

Happy 101 Award

I received this Happy 101 Award from mica of baby love. She has a good eye for fashion and I'm glad she likes Japanese stuff, too ;) Her blog is so sweet posting about cute stuff she bought online! Since I don't shop that often, I learn a lot from her!!!

With this award, I am supposed to list in 5 words, my blogging philosophy, motivation and experience...

1. LOVE (Always)
2. Creative Cooking (This is my motivation for cooking!)
3. Happiness (I simply love the word "Happy")
4. Cute (I love cute stuff)
5. Informative (I want to share many things about Japan. Foods of course but daily stuff in Japan as well!)

And now, I will pass on this award to jose of Jose's Diary!!! She is such a hard worker! She always tries her best which I should learn from her. She recently started to learn about the cosmetics (makeup) besides her work and I was amazed by her change. I think to stay beautiful, we simply need to do our best to find what make us beautiful! Taking the second best does not improve. That's what I always learn from her.

Last but not least, my darling bought me the Beaujolais Nouveau last night! That was really surprising! Of course I hugged and kissed him ;) hehe!

Have a good weekend :D

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