Yesterday, it rained hard all day long.
My trouser bottoms got wet when I arrived at my workplace.
But I had a company uniform, so that helped a lot.
Also, yesterday, I had a long long meeting, for about 3 hours, at work.
It was my supervisor's fault!
I reconfirmed that he is hopeless.
Writing about Monday, I went to see an orthopedist near the station.
To tell the truth, I still had a pain in my ankle since 3/14.
I tolerated the pain till that day but one of my co-workers recently knew she had cracked her knees by seeing a doctor, so I got scared and went to have an examination ...
Luckily, my bone was fine.
But the doctor told me that if I had sprained the ligament, it might have been serious.
I didn't know that, so I would go if I (hope not) sprained my ankle again!!!

He got them at Shinjuku station after his business trip to Saitama prefecture.
It was neither a special day nor special trip. I guess he bought it because it is my favorite color: pink!
Mochi is a Japanese rice cake.
It was sanded with strawberry confiture (jam) on and in between almond sponge cake.
Very interesting and new taste! I never thought of this idea :)
Thank to my boyfriend!
Okay, all for today :)
I think I have a delay in my diary, but will keep it up!!!
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