Anyway, I have a very bad fortune today. This morning, my braces broke, I forgot my cell, the train delayed for 15 min, I heared that my cake I sent for the submission was hard when it arrived, and I lost the yodoran contest, which I really wanted to win. I somehow felt I'm gonna lose, because there is a certain rule that the same person won't win in a row... but kind of shocking if you make an effort, you know!!!
Hope the rest of my day ends peacefully :(
Difficulty: Easy
Time: 30min
Number of servings: 3-4
400g (0.8lb.) thinly sliced beef
1 yaki-dofu (grilled tofu)
8 musubi shirataki (bundles of translucent konnyaku noodles)
6 shitake mushroom
2-3 long green onion
1 nama-fu (fu is made from wheat gluten which absorbs the broth)
200g (0.4lb.) shungiku (garland chrysanthemum)
beef fat (or cooking oil)
1 cup (200cc) warishita (commercially available sukiyaki sauce)
fresh raw eggs if desired
Quick recipe for "warishita": 1/3cup sake, 1/3cup mirin, 1/2 cup soysauce, 3tbsp sugar, 1/2cup dashi broth.

If desired, serve with beaten fresh raw eggs.
My original recipe in Japanese is here.
We dip sukiyaki into beaten fresh raw eggs to eat!
I don't like raw eggs, though...
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