After 4 months, I gained muscle (gained weight) but my fat didn't burn at all, so I was kind of shocked. However, after another 4 months, I lost 2kg (4.4lbs) for sure! I gained 3kg (6.6lbs) of muscle and lost 4kg (8.8lbs) of fat, which is an ideal result. By the way, to build lean muscle tissue, I take MUSASHI K'UN (image on the left) immediately after exercise. I started to take this recently and realized it helps a lot! By the way, I don't follow a restrictive diet because I want to eat whatever I want to! Maybe this is why I am getting this result this slow... Now, I need to train my core muscles, which is my weakest part. Plus, I have lot other tasks, but I think I can do it at my own pace :)
My hula class is going to end this month. The class is held every Thursday night, but I practice once a day at home. Practice makes perfect! Now I can dance one song ;) I think I will take this class again the next term!
Yesterday, I found a pair of cute rain boots at the local shoe store. It was raining hard this morning, so I readily wore it. How amazing!!! You can walk in a puddle ;) Ha-ha!!!
Oops. The rain stopped and we have a clear sky now in the afternoon... Don't I look funny wearing rain boots?!
Never mind! See you!!!
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