Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Hello. It's a rainy day all day long.
We are in the 50Fs (15C) and quite cold.

Anyway, every year I apply for Electronic Diversity Visa Lottery. But last year I forgot since I was busy with my culinary stuff. And this year, I almost missed it! I realized that the deadline was 12/1, yesterday. With a jolt, I asked my co-worker to take my photo using my cellphone camera and applied... However, when I got home, I found that it wasn't over yet. The deadline was not 12/1 0:00 but 12/2 0:00! My photo quality was not that good, so I think this year was unsuccessful, needless to say...
So, when I got home, I took a photo of my boyfriend using my single-lens reflex camera and applied for him! I hope he wins...

By the way, the lottery is highly competitive. It is said that the winner is one out of 200!
Is there anyone who won this lottery?!

Please click below and vote for me.


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