Me? I get 5-6 hours of sleep a night... I wish I could sleep more, but I have too much to do in a day.

Last month, I had a day that I really thought I couldn't wake up in the morning, so I had the "Gussumin" before I go to bed. The next day, I didn't feel tired at all! To make sure, I tried it again on a different day and it did work the same! Is this because I didn't expect too much from it?
What is good about it is it contains only 8kcal per bottle, allows drink before sleep! I think I should get one for my boyfriend since he is busy without a good sleep for about a week! Let me make an experiment on him!
By the way, it is pretty expensive. It costs 250yen ($2.50) per bottle, so I don't think I'm gonna drink it that often.
Good night!
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