This morning my Micro SD Adapter broke. Actually it kept on saying that the card is LOCKED, so I tried to unlock it. But first of all, as you can see in this image, you can't tell which way to unlock the card! Damn product!!! So, I tried the either way, but somehow both sides were recognized as LOCKED. Therefore, finally, I opened it to see how it works...
What a simple product! I knew that the cost price of "10 bucks micro SD adapter with 2GB micro SD card" is only a dollar (adapter is less than 10c), but what a product...
BTW, have you ever thought about the cost price of the products around you?
- $200 contact lens: 10c
- $300 suit: $30
- $14,000 car: $2,200
- $2 fried potatoes: 15c
- $5 umbrella: 10c
- $10 condom: 20c
- $2 milk: 13c
- $3 cake: 30c
But actually PlayStation game has a deficit. $250 game costs $240!
Also, beef bowl pays little. $5 beef bowl costs $2!
(Data from NAVER)
I think I digressed a lot...
Anyway, I gotta get a new Micro SD Adapter!!!
Take care!
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Friday, May 28, 2010
Micro SD Adapter
I am a Japan based YouTuber (a mother of 2 kids). I share easy-to-follow Japanese HOME cooking that you can try right away 👍
My Goal is to share the joy of real life Japanese home cooking and make your everyday cooking more exciting 💕
Please search within my blog to find the recipes you need 😊
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