Anyways, on the weekend we finally were treated with good foods! (We eat out once on the weekend but the other 2 weekends were not really, and I thought it was better to eat at home. haha)
KYODO406 is known for natural vintage wines. Yes! Their wines were pretty good!!!

Also foods were delish :) The clams were huge and were a lot on top!!! The grilled chicken was not at all greasy and was high in protein which is my taste!

You know what!? This is something really funny that made me laugh. Remember that I tested my darling to see if he cares having a pile of paper tubes in our restroom? I finally asked him why and guess what he said?! He said he thought I was collecting them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How come?! But some of my artwork do use garbages... for example the table below is made by using packages of snacks...
He said he was scared of throwing them out. oh boy...
All for today :P
I am editing the next video!!!
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