Popin' Cookin' is a series of Japanese intellectual training DIY candy kits by Kracie that stretches kids' curiosity :)
Although living in a world of convenience, children can enjoy making their own treats and make full use of their imagination!
NO artificial colors or preservatives.
High in calcium.
Kracie Popin' Cookin' DIY Oekaki Gummy Land Kit
(クラシエ ポッピンクッキン おえかきグミランド)
Kracie Popin' Cookin' DIY Kuru Kuru Takoyaki Kit
(クラシエ ポッピンクッキン くるくる たこやき)
Kracie Popin' Cookin' DIY Tanoshii Sushi Restaurant Kit
(クラシエ ポッピンクッキン たのしい おすしやさん)
Kracie Happy Kitchen DIY Hamburger Kit
(クラシエ ハッピーキッチン ハンバーガー)
Kracie Popin' Cookin' DIY Let's Make Bento Kit
(クラシエ ポッピンクッキン つくろう! おべんとう!)
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