I will make a very quick post about amazing meals we had + places we visited!!!

Early in the morning, we headed to Kyoto. We have been to Kyoto back in 2009 and did a major sightseeing, so this time we decided to walk around and visit temples and shrines nearby.
We checked in at a Ryokan (Japanese style inn) called 日昇別荘 (Nissho-besso). It is located in the middle of the shopping street but the rooms are quite big and very cozy! Believe it or not, our room was way too big for 2 people. hehe (IMG 1 and 2)
At noon, we headed to 嵐山 (Arashiyama). We had Yudoufu (hot Tofu) course meal lunch at 竹むら (Takemura). They use 森嘉 (Morika - a famous Tofu shop)'s Tofu. We loved their Tempura, too! If you like Tofu, you must visit there once ;) (IMG 3 and 4)
After the lunch, we crossed 渡月橋 (Togetsukyo bridge) (IMG 3) then visited 法輪寺 (Horinji temple) famous for successful career, and 電電宮 (Dendengu shrine) the god of electronics, located on the grounds of the Horinji. You can make a wish for not breaking your iPhone for example. hehe Walking through Arashiyama's famous bamboo groves (IMG 2), you will get to 御髪神社 (Mikami-jinja shrine) shrine for healthy hair - one and only one shrine for that in Japan! I bought a comb shaped amulet there :) so cute♥ (IMG 1) 野宮神社 (Nomiya-jinja shrine) god of marriage is also located nere the bamboo groves. It has a pretty backyard garden. (IMG 4)
There were 2 big public bathrooms at the Ryokan we stayed. We took an early bath and had a relaxing dinner in our room. A serving lady will bring dinner to your room. (IMG 1) Their breakfast was also amazing. (IMG 2) On the 2nd day in the morning, we visited 河合神社 (Kawai-jinja shrine - a sub-shrine of Shimogamo-jinja shrine) the god of beauty. You can pray for your inner beauty there. They serve 美人水 (beauty water - quince juice). (IMG 4) We had lunch back in 祇園 (Gion) at a restaurant called OKU. They serve amazing Obanzai lunch (Kyoto-style homemade side dishes). (IMG 3)
Sorry the images are not in the correct order. IMG 1 here is 糺の森 (Tadasu no Mori) a sacred grove at 下鴨神社 (Shimogamo-jinja shrine) where we visited in the morning. 相生社 (Aioi no Yashiro) stands on the left side in front of the main gate of Shimogamo-jinja is the god of good marriage and the guardian of engagement.
In the afternoon, we strolled through the shopping streets in 河原町 (Kawaramachi). You can find many shrines and temples there, too. 矢田寺 (Yadadera temple) is the god of good fortune accepting your sufferings. 誓願寺 (Seiganji temple) is the god of art and entertainment. YouTubers must visit there! LOL 蛸薬師堂 (Takoyakushido temple) is the god of a good health. If you stroke the octopus statue gently it will heal the parts where you touched :) 錦天満宮 (Nishiki Tenmangu shrine) is the god of prosperous business. Obviously, it is located in the Teramachi shopping street, facing the famous 錦市場 (Nishiki Market)! (IMG 3) I shopped at 喜久屋 (Kikuya) where my mom bought the flower rice crackers that I used for my videos! (IMG 2) Last but not least, we visited 六角堂 (Rokkaku-do temple) the god of happiness and good marriage. We bought their famous pigeon paper fortune… what we got in there were pretty harsh words. Well… it sounds like we shouldn't depend on the god but do our best. I know we said too many prayers... haha On the way back to Tokyo, we bought 下鴨茶寮 (Shimogamo-saryo)'s bento box with many Kyoto-style side dishes. (IMG 4) I think we had enough 懐石料理 (Kaiseki-ryori - traditional Japanese course meal with many side dishes)!!!
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