However, yesterday, my friend at hula class told me I have to give up and think of just getting a salary. She used to say her opinion at work but gave up because it's just a waste of time. Also, she said going home at 17 is pretty advantage. Yeah, I totally agree with her.
Unfortunately, many of the big Japanese companies have seniority-based system, which salary and job position rise in accordance with age and length of service, so it's not a good idea to change a job. It just worsen my situation. Also, most employees at such companies overwork, which is not my style.
Why I remain at the same company is because I experienced hard time seeking a full-time job in NY after 911. I think I did tens of interns and tens of part-time job back then. That experience made me think changing a job just because you don't like is not a good reason...
Anyway, now my issue here is not changing a job...
But the girl told me that is not a good idea since the stable income is important. Right...
I will close my eyes for a while and turn down my enthusiasm. I know it's my temporary stuff...
What a birthday present!!!
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