I am sorry if you don't like this gooey texture, but believe me! It is nutritious and rich in protein!!!
This recipe is very easy, so I will give you some nice tips, so don't miss them!
Marinated Mulukhiyah and Natto
Difficulty: Very Easy
Time: 5min
Number of servings: 2
Calories per serving: 160Kcal (110Kcal without sesame seeds)
100g (3.5oz.) Mulukhiyah (Jew's Mallow / Corchorus) *you can use spinach instead
salt & sesame oil
2 packages Natto
2 packets seasoning sauce (attached)
1 tsp. soy sauce
2 tbsp. ground white sesame seeds
1. Remove the Mulukhiyah leaves from the stems. Wash the Mulukhiyah leaves in cold water and drain well.
2. Bring a pot of water to a boil. Add a bit of salt (the salt helps the Mulukhiyah to retain its bright green color) and sesame oil (the oil helps the absorption of carotene). Boil the Mulukhiyah for a few seconds. Drain well with paper towels (do NOT wash because you don't want to wash out the Vitamin C).
3. Put Mulukhiyah, Natto, seasoning sauce, soy sauce, and ground white sesame seeds in a bowl. Mix well until gooey.
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