Now Sakura (cherry blossoms) are blooming beautifully, so I will show you a great pancake idea ;)
I will use Morinaga's Hot Cake Mix but you can use any pancake mix for this recipe. I just want to share this idea with you.
View Sakura Pictures at Instagram: ochikeron
I have some pics of Sakura light-up, as well♥
Sakura Pancake (Savory Hot Cake)
Difficulty: Easy
Time: 20min
Number of servings: 3
1 Morinaga Hot Cake Mix (flour)
1 egg
100cc milk
2 asparagus
4 ham
50g (1.8oz.) onion
olive oil
black sesame seeds
salad of your choice
1. Cut out ham using a Sakura cutter, and mince the scraps.
2. Slice the onion.
3. Peel the lower section (hard part) of the asparagus with a vegetable peeler, and boil in the salted water until al dente (about 2 minutes). Then chop.
4. Put egg, milk, and 1 tbsp. mayonnaise in a bowl and mix well. Add Hot Cake Mix and gently cut through the mixture until somewhat combined.
5. Add ham scraps, onion, and asparagus, and mix well.
6. Heat olive oil in a pan, turn down to low and pour 1/3 of the batter, and cook for 3 minutes until bubbles appear on the surface. Flip with a spatula, cover and cook for 2 minutes until browned on the other side.
7. Serve on a plate with salad of your choice. Garnish with Sakura (ham) with black sesame seeds in the middle.
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