Perfect for a quick snack!!!
Mini Strawberry Roll Cake (Swiss Roll) using Frying Pan
Difficulty: Easy
Time: 30min
Number of servings: 3 pieces
Necessary Equipment:
18X13cm Tamagoyaki Nabe (rectangular omelet pan)
((Sponge Cake))
1 egg
1 tbsp. granulated sugar
2 tbsp. cake flour
1 tbsp. cooking oil
((Strawberry Sauce))
2 strawberries
1/2 tsp. granulated sugar
whipped cream
3 cut strawberries
((Sponge Cake))
1. Put the egg and granulated sugar in a bowl. Beat with an electric mixer until white and fluffy.
2. Sift in cake flour and mix with a spatula until combined. Then mix in cooking oil.
3. Heat cooking oil in a Tamagoyaki Nabe (rectangular omelet pan). Pour in the batter, cover with aluminum foil, and cook on low for 5~6 minutes. When the surface becomes dry, remove from the pan, wrap with plastic wrap, and cool completely.
((Strawberry Sauce))
1. Strain 2 strawberries through a coarse sieve.
2. Mix in granulated sugar.
1. Cut off one end of the sponge cake diagonally.
2. Spread some strawberry sauce. Spread some whipped cream. Then place some cut strawberries.
3. Place the cut side on the other side, and roll up the cake. Wrap in plastic wrap and cool in the fridge to set.
4. Cut off both ends and cut into 3 pieces.
* Place the cake in the fridge for a few hours ~ a day. The cream will set and you can cut the cake easily. Eat within the next day.
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