Monday, August 31, 2009

Crazy Business!!!

I got home from the hula class at around 14:30. It wasn't raining hard at that time. But I just saw on the news that the typhoon #11 is going to hit Chiba area (close to Tokyo) full force at 15:00 (now) and get close to Tokyo area during rush hours!!! It is going to be accompanied by heavy rain till tomorrow afternoon, receiving up to 80 millimeters of rain!!! I closed all shutters... whew... But my bf have to make the rounds to Odaiba in this rain. What a crazy business! Are they really watching the news?! My co-worker just e-mailed me and said he might not be able to go home because it will hit his area at finishing time. Some companies let people go home now to be on the safe side. I think companies should take it more serious... or am I exaggerating things?!

I think I was right that I happened to take a day off today!!!

Please be careful and go home safe!!!

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Typhoon #11

Typhoon #11 is approaching and it is on its way to Tokyo by this afternoon... but today I took a day off and need to go out... plus I wanted to attend the hula class from noon... I hope it comes late.

Anyway, on Saturday my boyfriend and I attended my friend's wedding after party. It was for the first time in 3 years to see her! I will post about it later if I could come home without any trouble ;)

On the same day, I happened to see Aso Taro (the Prime Minister of Japan) making a street speech for the election at the Kamakura station! It was an election day yesterday, so that is why.

Okay, see you later!!!

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Friday, August 28, 2009

For Girls Only! How to Take Cute Pics of Yourself (Selfie) with Cell Phone

Don't say I'm crazy, but I take a pic of myself and send it to my bf once in a while. We call this kind of photo "sha-me" in Japan.

Not long ago, I saw on TV how to take cute pics of yourself with your cell phone and found out it really works, so I will let you know!!!

1. use the in-camera
2. use the natural light
3. use cloudy mode
4. cock down the angle of the camera (look up)
5. walk around the room and find a place where the light is perfect on you
6. adjust exposure if needed (it hides your pores and has a whitening effect)
7. take your photo when you are ready!

Just try! It's fun and makes your loved one happy :D

Anyway, Good Design Expo is held from today till Sunday. It is one of the biggest design events in Asia! Wanna go there if I have time this evening.

On Saturday, my bf and I gonna attend my friend's wedding after party at the beach. Should be filled with joy and happiness! I can't wait!!!

See you next week!

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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Jasmine Thai

Hi! The weather is nice outside again :D

Today I'm gonna go out to eat lunch at an authentic Thai restaurant called "Jasmine Thai" with my co-workers. I can't wait!!!

I brought my camera with me, so I will post what I had later ;)

I think jose and merce-san knows this vegetable. I had a stir-fried "空心菜" (water spinach)! It was simple but delicious with thai spices! Mmmmmmmmmm :D My co-workers had salmon cooked in coconut sauce and stir-fried minced chicken. I tried them all and were great!!!

What was your lunch today?!

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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Kobe Pudding Smoothie

I'm making smoothie every morning lately because I have many frozen bananas in my freezer.

This morning, I mixed Kobe pudding with banana and milk because it was pretty sweet for me to eat as-is. I made a swirl with caramel sauce. It was delicious!!!

I've just been to the post office and found that the weather was super fine with a nice breeze. It should be a great day to eat outside! Unfortunately I don't have a plan to go out, though... I bought Hello Kitty stamps since I was in a good mood :)

Like merce-san says, the second round love is sweeter than ever!!! Am I a simple girl?! Just by changing my perspective, I really want to tell him that I love him (from my heart) every day and spend the most time with him. He was really surprised with this change and asked me how long I can last. I think I can last this forever because I learned it from my mistake ;)

Oh, unfortunate thing here... I was asked for a TV interview recently, but I needed to decline it because our home is small and untidy like a studio... What a shame!!! Maybe we can look for a new house someday soon ;)

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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tokyo Midtown

On Sunday, my boyfriend and I went to Tokyo Midtown for a change since I was off balance.

We started with a glass of beer and mojito. Then we shared the pasta of the day which was Chicken and Broad Beans Pasta. It was seasoned with Japanese clam broth and was delicious!

After the lunch, we had a walk and relaxed for a while on the patio. There was a hula show, so we watched it. Then we soaked our feet in water and listened to the music he had.

We've been together for about 6 years. I depended on his tenderness and was really into my culinary stuff. I felt very sorry to him making him lonely. I knew he loved me a lot, but I remember I sometimes ignored his love when I was busy. Normally, for ordinary couples, his mistake cannot be forgiven, but this time I will forgive him because I had a fault. I really thank to him that he came back to me and gave me another chance.

Now I love him more than ever and he loves me, too, of course. Every time I talk with him, I get so excited with a smile because I know he wants to be with me like this (not like with his mom). He won't be lonely and I can trust him in this way. What a simple answer!

The weather is going to stay fine for few days. I hope we can enjoy the rest of the summer in peace ;)

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Monday, August 24, 2009

Tamagawa Hanabi (Fireworks)

On Saturday, my boyfriend and I went to see fireworks near home at Tamagawa. This year, the theme was "pulse". My boyfriend took a video of part of it ;)

There were about 400 thousand people, so the station was terribly packed. We went back to the local Nepalese restaurant called Mt. Fishtail for a dinner. I seldom have a beer, but this day the beer was really refreshing!!! It was interesting that they serve knive-stabbed tandoori chicken! The mutton curry was delicious, too! We had a really romantic time ;)

On Sunday, we've been to Tokyo Midtown. I will write about it tomorrow!

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Friday, August 21, 2009

Kobe Pudding

My bf bought Kobe pudding for me as a souvenir some time ago when he came back from his family home. Since the expiration date wasn't that close, I kept in the fridge for a while.

Sweet stuff makes me happy :D

It was pretty sweet, though!

Have a good weekend!!!

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Thursday, August 20, 2009


Do you like avocado? I love it! But it is not easy to guess a green and creamy one at stores. However, the supermarket called "Seijo Ishii" has a special avocado that you never pick the bad one! It costs 2 bucks per avocado (twice as much as the one sold at regular supermarkets), but worth to pay for it! I mean, better than getting the bad one once in a while!

We are blessed with fine weather almost daily. I want to have a patio dining someday soon before the summer ends!

Tonight is the hula class! I brought my new pa'u skirt today!!!

Aloha :)

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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Black Bean Cocoa Soymilk Banana Smoothie

This morning, I was really exhausted and didn't feel like eating at all and had stomach pains, so I made a soymilk banana smoothie with a black bean cocoa pudding.
It was so healthy and delicious that my pain went away ;)

Why I had the pain is because I was still anxious and argued about the issue again with him last night. Damn!!! I think we've been kept on doing this for about 4 months. He didn't like it, of course, so we had a big fight again. He said he really wants to be with me but he can't if I'm always like this.

Then I finally realized one big thing when he told me he wants to move forward. In addition to "trust" and "forgiveness", I should "NEVER LOOK BACK"!!! Knowing the past will never help improve anything because you can't change the past. You just get nervous and nag your loved one. I know some poeple (like me) want to make things clear before you move on to the next step, but it's just a waste of time. I am sorry to all people who become victim to our stuff...

I will never look his cell or make a search for his secret from today. I will always trust his words. I believe this is the true "trust" because my mistrust was an axe.

It is easy to understand this in your mind but not from the bottom of your heart until you experience it, so it took me a long time to get these ideas.

This is my last post about this. I will never look back. I know we can be super happy then ;)

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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Blue Garden

Last night, under the lovely weather, my boyfriend and I went to an Italian restaurant called Blue Garden where you can enjoy authentic Italian food.

We opened a bottle of wine :)

What a nice day with a nice breeze.
I still felt anxious about the girl but I made up with him right away!!!

I liked the name of seasonal mixed salad, "genki salad", which means energetic salad! It made us happy :) Their pizza was amazingly delicious. The cheese pizza called Italice is made with mozzarella, gorgonzola, taleggio, and parmigiano cheese. You pour honey over it. It was superb and went well with our wine.

By the way, I bought a new dress on this day before I see him because I was wearing sportswear. He asked me for a dinner at noon, so I canceled my plan to go to the gym. That's why.

Couples look happy, everything seems fine, but no one knows what's behind... Like merce-san says, "trust" and "forgiveness" might be the key. I don't want to argue with him anymore and I know he will never tell me the truth. Merce-san might be right. Thanks!

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Monday, August 17, 2009

Keio Asahi Sky Beer Garden

Hi! This weekend was again really fast. How was yours?

On Saturday evening, my boyfriend and I went to the Keio Asahi Sky Beer Garden. The weather was perfect for outdoor drinking, so it was already crowded at around 6PM! The food was brought really fast to the table, which allowed us to relax! You know what I mean. Ha-ha ;)

The Hawaiian festival at the department store was great! Everything was expensive, but I found a nice plumeria hair accessory and a plumeria poepoe lei that goes perfect with my new Pa'u skirt! I bought the very left one with white flowers (plumeria)!

This weekend, I again argued with my bf about girl(s)... he was really mad at me because I didn't give up. But I just realized it's better knowing nothing than knowing only the negative things, because his attitude toward me never changed and he was and is always nice to me!

The weather has been lovely these days! Tonight he asked me to go out for a drink again. I hope we can make up.


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